June 16, 2020

Webinar on Community Network

Webinar/ Online discussion on Community Network

Video description: This video is part of chapter’s training program 2020 for Building Community Networks by Ashesh Acharya

Duration: 1 hour Discussion


  1. What is community networks and its importance?
  2. Community networks history and current status in Nepal
  3. Relevancy of community network in current scenario
  4. Role of private and government internet service provider and challenges to the community network
  5. Role of Community network in community development/SDG and future of community network

Video link: https://nren.zoom.us/rec/share/5JVNF63UxEVIa6PqsRnnAr58XbnmX6a8hndP_KVeyE03jGw5DdlGbLeEgdWHqYtU?startTime=1591442810000

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